South Africa International Woodwind Competition
2024 IWWC Programme
About the Competition
A group of South African professionals, led by Dr Danre Strydom from the UFS, has partnered together to institute an International Woodwind Competition (IWC) in 2022 to reinvigorate and complement the South African classical music fraternity for advanced woodwind players (university and young professionals).
For this competition, international entries are also welcomed to benchmark South African woodwind musicking to global standards. The board of the IWC envisions the sustained legacy of this project beyond only 2022.
We would like to create a competition that can contribute to the vibrancy of the national/international piano, strings and vocal competitions that South Africa hosts. Our country has a rich history of performance excellence, and we believe that this competition can provide a platform for our woodwind players to perform, grow and help launch their performance careers.
The main purpose of this competition is to promote the inheritance and preservation of excellent woodwind players and to encourage high standards, goal setting and rewarding young performers continuing the tradition.

Our Sponsors & Donors
2024 Sponsors and Donors introduced soon.
Previous Sponsors & Donors

A Few Words from our Sponsors & Donors
On behalf of the Free state Symphony Orchestra, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the inaugural International Woodwind Competition South Africa!
We are so proud that Bloemfontein is the first stop on this competition’s world stage journey. The musicians of The Free State Symphony Orchestra are delighted to collaborate with the International Woodwind Competition South Africa in its final round, accompanying the finalists on our celebratory concert of 8 October 2022.
To the concertgoers we wish a spectacular evening of beloved music, with dazzling skill, musicianship and pizzaz from the assembled international players! To the competitors we wish strength, good luck, and to relish in the joy you bring to the listeners!
Toi Toi Toi!
As a professional wind player (my instruments are oboe and recorder) I feel profound gratitude for this initiative by the Odeion School of Music.
It is through encounters with other wind players that we develop a sense of belonging in this disparate musical world. By challenging us they provide us with the perfect opportunity to grow musically, technically, and socially.
And on top of that we have such a treasure of repertoire that we share. Who knows, maybe the next IWC is for wind ensembles.
Good luck to all, enjoy the time of preparation